The Future of Adult Use and Medical Marijuana in Florida

2024 will be a  monumental year of growth for Florida’s Marijuana program with the following changes on the horizon:

  •  22 new MMTC licenses awarded
  • Federal Marijuana Rescheduling to Class III
  • SAFE Banking Ac
  • MMTC mergers and acquisitions
  • Amendment 3 – Adult Use Marijuana Ballot Initiative

Florida could soon be the  biggest marijuana market in the country!

Speakers and Participants will include Florida’s cannabis industry leaders, MMTC executives, state legislators, federal officials, Amendment 3 ballot initiative experts, cannabis bankers, lawyers, and finance specialist, and newly awarded MMTC licensees. 

Topics include:

  • State Of The Florida Marijuana Program
  • 2024 Adult Use Ballot Initiative Facts & Impacts
  • Evolving State And Federal Policies
  • Florida’s Brave New World Of Cannabis
  • MMTC Industry – New Licenses & Expanded Markets
  • Future Of Medical Marijuana Program
  • Banking, Legal & Finance Changes

Learn how these changes will affect the current program, expanded adult customer markets,  new business opportunities, banking, taxation, medical marijuana patients, regulations, and many other topics.

The  most comprehensive insight into Florida’s changing marijuana marketplace!

REGISTER NOW for this exciting Policy Conference to meet the people and hear the voices that will shape the future of Florida’s marijuana industry and opportunities for you and your organization

For more information on registration or sponsorships contact
